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firefox_decrypt Extract passwords from Mozilla Firefox profiles
firefox-esr Meta-package for installing the most recent Firefox ESR version
firefox-l10n Language packs for www/firefox
firefox115 Web browser with support for extensions (version 115ESR)
firefox115-l10n Language packs for www/firefox115
firefox128 Web browser with support for extensions (version 128ESR)
firefox128-l10n Language packs for www/firefox128
firefox52 Web browser with support for extensions (version 52ESR)
firefox52-l10n Language packs for www/firefox (version 52)
forgejo (V) Git hosting software
gallery Web-based photo gallery written in PHP
gallery2 Web-based photo gallery written in PHP
ganglia-webfrontend PHP based frontend for the Ganglia Cluster Monitor
geckodriver W3C WebDriver-compatible proxy for Gecko-based browsers
geeklog PHP/MySQL based application for managing dynamic web content
gitea Compact self-hosted Git service
gitweb Web interface for GIT repositories
go-ffuf Fast web fuzzer
go-minify Command line tool that minifies web formats concurrently
goaccess Real-time web log analyzer and viewer
gotosocial Fediverse server written in Go
grafana Metrics dashboard and graph editor
gtkasp2php Gtk+ version of utility to convert asp pages to php pages
guile-haunt Functional static web site generator
gumbo-parser HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
gwt Google Web Toolkit
h2o Optimized HTTP server with support for HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2
hackernews-tui Terminal UI to browse Hacker News
harmony (V) Web based bug tracking system
haskell-cgi CGI module for the Hugs Haskell 98 interpreter
heel Static file web server based on Rack and Thin
hiawatha Advanced and secure webserver
horde PHP application framework
hs-bower-json Read bower.json from Haskell
hs-bsb-http-chunked Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders
hs-clientsession Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
hs-cookie HTTP cookie parsing and rendering
hs-dav RFC 4918 WebDAV support
hs-feed Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds
hs-HTTP Haskell library for client-side HTTP
hs-http-api-data Converting to/from HTTP API data
hs-http-client HTTP client engine
hs-http-client-restricted Restricting the servers that http-client will use
hs-http-client-tls TLS backend for Haskell http-client library
hs-http-conduit HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support
hs-http-date HTTP Date parser/formatter
hs-http-media Processing HTTP Content-Type and Accept headers
hs-http-semantics HTTP senmatics library
hs-http-types Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)
hs-http2 HTTP/2 library
hs-js-chart Obtain minified chart.js code
hs-js-dgtable Obtain minified jquery.dgtable code
hs-js-flot Obtain minified flot code
hs-js-jquery Obtain minified jQuery code
hs-open-browser Open a web browser from Haskell
hs-path-pieces Components of paths
hs-servant Family of combinators for defining webservices APIs
hs-servant-server Family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them
hs-wai Web Application Interface
hs-wai-app-static WAI application for static serving
hs-wai-cors CORS for WAI
hs-wai-extra Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware
hs-wai-logger Logging system for WAI
hs-wai-websockets Provide a bridge between WAI and the websockets package
hs-warp Fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications
hs-warp-tls HTTP over TLS support for Warp via the TLS package
hs-websockets Sensible and clean way to write WebSocket-capable servers in Haskell
hs-xss-sanitize Sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
hs-yesod Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
hs-yesod-core Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
hs-yesod-form Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework
hs-yesod-persistent Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod
hs-yesod-static Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework
htdavlock Apache mod_dav_fs lock database management tool
htdig WWW indexing and searching system
htmlcxx Simple non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for C++
htmldoc Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
htmldoc-x11 Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
htmllint Another HTML-Lint program
http_load Multiprocessing http test client
http-parser Parser for HTTP messages written in C
httpfile Secure HTTP server derived from publicfile
hugo Fast & Modern Static Website Engine
igal (V) Online image gallery generator
ijb Internet Junkbuster Proxy to block banner ads and cookies
ikiwiki Flexible static site generator with dynamic features
jalbum Web photo album generator
jetty7 Jetty is a Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
jetty9 Jetty is a Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
jira-cli Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line
js-Gallery (V) JavaScript library to create image/video galleries
kahua Continuation-based framework to develop application service
kannel Open source WAP and SMS gateway
kaput-cli Command-line tool for
kf6-syndication RSS/Atom parser library
khtml HTML rendering engine
kimagemapeditor HTML Image Map Editor
kjs Support for JS scripting in applications
kjsembed Embedded JS
konqueror KDE File Manager & Web Browser